

Residential Tower
Client: Private
Site: Saint Martin, Caribbean
Size: 18,000 m2
Date: 2014


The significance of the Cupecoy tower’s site derives from its presence at the border of the French and Dutch territories on the island, as well as its adjacency to the sea and the historic Slave Wall. Our intention was to create a landmark building whose volumetric inflections would respond to these various site conditions. The building, the tallest to be built on the island, metamorphosizes from a state of inhabitation to non-inhabitation as the elevation transforms and reveals the peculiar temporality of resort housing. When closed and unoccupied (the majority of the year), the building sustains a sculptural, totemic presence; when open, the projecting shutters of the façade generate a complex play of light and shadow on the façade which exhibits the level of inhabitation within.


Sur un territoire de l’entre deux, à la limite de la séparation entre la partie française et la partie néerlandaise de Saint Martin, la tour de Cupecoy marque de manière sculpturale le seuil de l’ambiguïté territoriale coloniale. Bâtiment le plus haut de l’île, il se métamorphose en fonction de ses degrés d’occupation, révélant de fait, l’importance du caractère temporel du logement. La résidence occupée, les volets projettent sur les façades un jeu complexe d’ombres et de lumières, alors qu’inoccupée la tour prend une allure totémique.
